Real estate law

What is Real Estate Law?

Real estate law is the area of law that regulates real estate transactions, such as urban or rustic leases and home sales. We offer advice in the preparation of work contracts at a lump sum; work contracts at unit price; and on compliance with the laws and regulations of urban development and planning.

Practice areas

  • Work contracts at a lump sum
  • Work contracts at unit price
  • Compliance with laws and regulations for urban development and planning
  • Contracts for the sale of houses, villas, ranches, country estates
  • Real estate leasing contracts (offices, houses, offices, etc.)
  • Vehicle leasing contracts (machinery, cars, etc.)

Schedule legal advice

Legal advice is the application of abstract legal principles to the concrete facts of the client's case to advise the client on what to do next. In many countries, only a properly licensed attorney can provide legal advice.