Family right

What is Family Law?

Family law regulates personal and patrimonial relationships such as marriage, divorce, cohabitation, paternity, adoption, etc. We offer advice and representation in food lawsuits; divorces; lawsuits of parental authority; marital and family heritage; modification of conjugal partnership; protection orders; tutelas; states of interdiction; and declarations of absence or abandonment.

Practice areas

  • Food Trials
  • Divorces
  • Parental Rights Trials
  • Marital and family heritage
  • Modification of conjugal partnership
  • Alimony pensions
  • Protection orders
  • Guardianship
  • States of interdiction
  • Declarations of absence or abandonment

Schedule legal advice

Legal advice is the application of abstract legal principles to the concrete facts of the client's case to advise the client on what to do next. In many countries, only a properly licensed attorney can provide legal advice.