Social Security

What is Social Security?

Social Security is the protection that a society provides to individuals and households to ensure access to assistance and households to ensure access to medical assistance and guarantee income security. We offer advice to handle risk assessments and resolutions issued by the corresponding authorities; handle annual inspections of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) and annual determinations of risk insurance premiums; the management of administrative processes, including registrations with the IMSS, of employer substitutions regarding the work risk insurance premium and cancellation of tax assessments; and contesting tax evaluations and final resolutions issued by the Mexican Institute of Social Security and INFONAVIT, which includes handling administrative appeals, nullity claims before the Federal Administrative Court and the Fiscal Court, and protection claims before the Federal Courts.

Practice areas

  • Advice for the management of risk assessments and resolutions issued by the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS).
  • Management of annual inspections by the IMSS.
  • Management of administrative processes before the IMSS.
  • Employer substitutions.
  • Management of administrative processes before INFONAVIT.
  • Claims for invalidity before the Federal Court of Administrative Justice, by resolutions issued by INFONAVIT and / or IMSS.

Schedule legal advice

Legal advice is the application of abstract legal principles to the concrete facts of the client's case to advise the client on what to do next. In many countries, only a properly licensed attorney can provide legal advice.