Commercial Law

What is Commercial Law?

Commercial law is the branch of private law that regulates the set of rules relating to merchants in the exercise of the profession, to the acts of commerce legally qualified as such and to the legal relationships, derived from the performance of these. As part of our services we offer advice in the preparation and review of commercial contracts such as: promissory notes, endorsements, bills of exchange, guarantees, certificates of deposit and pledge bond, repurchase agreement, credits, pledges, trusts, financial leasing, financial factoring , digital contracts, commercial commission; consultation on Secured Transactions; advice on acquisitions and disposals of real estate; collection of promissory notes; recovery of overdue portfolios; and representation in commercial lawsuits, whether ordinary or oral.

Practice areas

  • Preparation and review of commercial contracts such as: promissory notes, endorsements, bills of exchange, guarantees, certificates of deposit and the pledge bond, repurchase, credits, pledges, trusts. Financial leasing, financial factoring, digital contracts, commercial commission,  
  • Secured Transactions
  • Acquisitions and disposals of real estate.
  • Collection of promissory notes.
  • Recovery of overdue portfolios
  • Commercial Lawsuits
The main sources of civil rights law include the first ten amendments ...

To schedule an appointment, it is necessary to dial the phone number 83 331 919 or send an email to We are here to help you. 

The process can vary as they require various external factors. Typically the average is 1 to 2 months.

Schedule legal advice

Legal advice is the application of abstract legal principles to the concrete facts of the client's case to advise the client on what to do next. In many countries, only a properly licensed attorney can provide legal advice.